These Cows Have 5G Connectivity While We Humans Are Still on 4G


The eagerness of trying something new reached to another level. We all knew humans don’t hesitate to take advantage of a living being to experiment with their research. Something like this happened when Cisco system Inc. tried their newest 5G research on Cow in England. This news is flourishing all over the internet. The storyline is so gripping everybody wants to know more about it. Cows are just a part of an experiment to check the connectivity of the product and how it is working. The farm is located at Friesian dairy cattle at a British farm in England

Let’s not distract you furthermore about the project, you all have just heard about the Cisco System Inc. was handover with the project of testing and developing network infrastructure, as a part of their project they tried all-new 5G network testbeds on three major rural regions. The aim of this is to make sure the connectivity of the network. They set trial wireless in this region.

As a part of the test, they put their 5G gadgets in the neck of the cow which will further help lead to robotic control milking mechanism. As hard it is to believe but it works absolutely fine. The device will sense the need of the cow to milk and will eventually open the machine gates.

It sounds weird but it is working completely fine and it is assured by the Agri-EPI center in Shepton Mallet around 50 to 180 cows are wearing a 5G smart collar and health ear tags on their necks. About the security, it is assured by both the health department and Company itself no cows is harming by this new technology. On the side note, gadgets are helping to notice any sign of distress in animals.

About the brain heads behind this experiment, they assured that their main aim was to test the connectivity of network within the rural region too; they want to transmit data via rural region in a much cheaper way. The 5g connection is called the super-fast connection of the age. So to make sure the connectivity and device will do justice with a title the experiment was must to carry out. The 5G connections will transfer our livelihood on daily basis. The very long film if downloaded in the second it is something. Above all, it will save the most important and precious thing of the world which is time. In the 5G world, everything is based on time.

Back to the original news, the project manager of Agri-Epi with the help of  British Innovation agency assured that this technology will help us to understand the different actions based on the movement of cow like sensor operated curtains will in tough weather, smart feeding system, etc

One of the members of the Cisco mentioned that they will try to join every animal within this farm to get benefited from the technology. In other words, this generation is of modernization and we will see that in farms too.


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